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Common Core State Standards

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are an updated set of academic standards that have been developed with the goal of unifying learning expectations for students across all states. The CCSS have been adopted by 46 states across the United States. California’s State Board of Education adopted the CCSS in August 2010.
Common Core State Standards bring strong advantages to students in California and in the United States. Based on international benchmarks, the CCSS will provide learning opportunities for students that will put them in a better position to compete with students throughout the world for university admission and for jobs in the global market. Furthermore, the standards define K-12th grade learning that will ensure that students are well prepared for post-secondary education and careers.
The CCSS have been developed for English-Language Arts and Mathematics. CCSS affects the teaching of social science, science and technical subjects as they incorporate literacy skills into the curriculum, but California science and history content standards remain separate from CCSS. Please see the “Standards” section for more specific information about ELA and math standards.
Gateway Community Charters has a multi-year implementation plan in place that includes professional development for teachers and staff, outreach to parents and information for the community. Please visit this page regularly for the most up-to-date information about Common Core State Standards and the new Smarter Balanced assessments.