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Chalk board covered in chalkStudent Truancy– Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without valid excuse more than three days or tardy in excess of 15 minutes on each of more than three days in one school year is truant. Student with excessive absences and/or tardies will be referred to the Student Study Team for review. If the problem persists, EPIC reserves the right to refer truant students back to their home school/district. School success starts with attendance.
Late Arrival– If a student arrives later than 8:45 a.m., he/she must check in at the office for an admit slip before going to class. Tardiness is excused only for doctor and dental appointments, injuries, and illnesses. A note from the parent/guardian must accompany the student before returning to class.
Early Dismissal– All students are expected to have a pass when leaving the classroom during scheduled class time. Students may be asked to show passes at any time at the request of a school employee. Parent authorization is required for any student leaving school at times other than the normal dismissal time. Persons picking up a student during the school day must report to the office and sign out the student; they may not go directly to the classroom.
If your child must leave during the school day, please do the following:
  • Sign student out at the office and get an early dismissal form.
  • The teacher will be called to get the child ready for dismissal. Students will be sent to the office where parents will be waiting. Parents should not go to the classroom.
  • At no time should parents pick up students early without checking students out, even if it is a minimum day. To ensure accountability and student safety, parents are not to pick up students out on the playground, please follow the check-out procedures and wait in the office.
  • Only persons who are listed on the school emergency card may pick up a student. Anyone not familiar to staff will be asked to provide identification before taking the student. The school must have an up-to-date home address, home phone number, cell phone numbers, and emergency numbers on file. Parents must keep the office informed of all changes during the school year.
  • If students are arranging rides with persons other than those authorized, a phone call to the office and a note with parent permission is required to be turned in prior to pick up.

 Mrs. Larisa Astapov

Larisa Astapov Mail icon
     Attendance Clerk
If your child will be absent please call 916-286-1960 or email Mrs. Larisa Astapov